Frequently (asked/answered) questions
If you cannot find the answers you are looking for please contact Blackheath Eyecare by email or call on 020 8305 1060.
General help…
Contact lenses…
Contact lens wearers need to have regular eye examinations to reduce the risk of complications from eye infections. While serious complications of contact lens wear are rare some conditions may not be noticed by wearers, so it is important that you are seen on a regular basis.
Please remember that you must have a valid (in-date) contact lens prescription to purchase contact lenses, whether in-store or online. It has to show the complete specification of your contact lenses, if in doubt please ask your optometrist before ordering.
Some answers may be found here for the curious. For further information please contact us.
Yes normally this will be the case as it ensures continuity of care. We will always aim to book you in to see your regular optometrist. (see about us to find out more about our optometrist).
A lens fitting which is no longer suitable will probably not cause discomfort until significant damage has occurred to the cornea. This is one of the downfalls of soft lenses as they are extremely comfortable.
That’s why it is important to attend for regular check-ups to monitor your corneal health and to ensure the fitting remains correct and will not damage your eyes. We have invested in state-of-the-art equipment to check your corneal health.
We will look to match contact lens prices over the internet for people on our Eyeplan Membership scheme; from any registered UK company (terms and conditions apply).
The monthly cost of us supplying your lenses covers both the lens cost and professional fee charges. Our Practice Plan offers great value for money. When you add up the benefits of being on our scheme it is far better than going elsewhere.
If you decide to separate your supply of contact lenses, it is still very important to have regular contact lens check-ups, expect to pay the unsubsidised rate of around £55 or more for each appointment.
Designer glasses and sunglasses…
Blackheath Eyecare Email Whitelist Instructions
iPhone Mail App
iPhone Mail identifies most junk mail (spam) sent to your @icloud.com address or aliases, but it can mistakenly move emails incorrectly to your Junk mail folder.
Periodically check the Junk folder for email messages that were marked as junk mistakenly.
To indicate that an email message from Blackheath Eyecare isn’t junk:
- Open your Mail app and go to the Mailboxes screen
- Scroll down to the folders area
- Select the Junk folder.
- Find the email from Blackheath Eyecare and slide it left to see options.
- Tap the More button.
- Tap the Mark button.
- Tap the Mark as Not Junk button.
The message is moved to your Inbox. Subsequent email messages from Blackheath Eyecare will no longer be marked as junk.
By default, messages in the Junk folder are deleted after 30 days so be sure to check it often to whitelist relevant emails.
Gmail Mobile App
If you are using the Gmail Mobile App on your mobile device, open the app now
Should you not readily see an email from Blackheath Eyecare, please check the Spam Folder:
Should an email from Blackheath Eyecare appear mistakenly sent to Gmail spam, please open the email and Tap the icon.
Move to |
Snooze |
Change labels |
Mark as not important |
- Select “Change labels…”
- Check the box next to Inbox
- Tap OK to save your settings
Are you are using Gmail Tabs such as “Promotions” then open your Promotions tab in Gmail.
- When you find the email from Blackheath Eyecare
- Tap the
menu icon – top right.
- Then select Move to.
Move to |
Snooze |
Change labels |
- Then select Primary from the list.
This should help Gmail to know, you always want to see Blackheath Eyecare emails in your Primary Inbox tab…
Outlook 2003, Outlook 2016 and Outlook Office 365
To ensure you continue to receive important emails in Outlook Office:
Please add Blackheath Eyecare to your list of “Safe senders” on Outlook:
- Right-click our email in your Inbox email list pane.
- On the menu displayed move your mouse over or tap Junk
- Click or tap on Never block sender in the menu that rolls out.
- The resulting popup will say:
- “The sender of the selected message has been added to your Safe Senders List.”
- Click OK
To add sender to address book:
- Open the email
- Right-click on the from address
- Choose the Add to contacts option
Outlook Mobile App
Outlook’s mobile app now offers a “Focused Inbox” for your important email
To add Blackheath Eyecare to your list of Focused Inbox on the Outlook App open the mobile Outlook app on your Android, Microsoft or iPhone: Then open the email from Blackheath Eyecare:- Click the dropdown menu
on the top right of your Inbox.
- On the menu displayed tap Move to Focused Inbox

- Select the Move this and all future messages button.

- Tap Move
- Now all future messages from Blackheath Eyecare will appear in your Focused Inbox
Yahoo! Mail
If you do not see an email from Blackheath Eyecare in your Inbox…
Check your Spam Folder. If an email from Blackheath Eyecare is there?
- Open the email.
- Next, click the Not Spam button on the top toolbar.
To ensure delivery you may wish to create a filter to automatically send email from Blackheath Eyecare to your Inbox.
- Move your mouse over or tap the Gear icon in the top right navigation bar.
- Select Settings from the list that drops down.
- Choose Filters located on the left side of the page.
- Click the Add button on the Filters page.
- Create a name such as Whitelist in the Filter name field.
- In the From field leave the default contains selected.
- Enter our email address hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk in the text box next to Contains…
- Choose the destination folder to which you would like the message delivered. For example: Inbox.
- Click or tap Save…
- You will see in the next screen -Deliver to Inbox if From contains Blackheath Eyecare–
- Click or tap Save on this screen.
- You will be returned to your Yahoo! Inbox.
At times, Gmail mistakenly sends emails you want, to the Spam folder…
If you do not readily find an email from Blackheath Eyecare please check your Gmail Spam Folder:
To assure you continue to get emails you asked to receive, Create a Filter
- If you find an email from Blackheath Eyecare in Gmail spam?
- Open the email.
- Click ‘Dots’ button on the top right, to reveal your choices.
Click Filter messages like this
Reply |
Forward |
Filter messages like this |
Click the button Create filter to open your settings.
Under the “Categorize as: Choose Category…”
- Click the dropdown icon next to “Choose Category…”
- Please select Primary in the next options menu.
Choose Category… |
Primary |
Social |
Updates |
Forums |
Promotions |
Click the blue Create filter button, to save your settings
Now you will always see Blackheath Eyecare in your Primary Inbox tab!
Next, if the email remains open? Please mark the email as “Not spam”
- If you see an email from Blackheath Eyecare: Open the email.
- Click the button on the alert, labelled Report Not spam
Why is this message in spam? It is similar to messages that were identified as spam in the past.
Report not spam
From the next menu, please check these options
Never send it to Spam |
Always mark it as important |
Also apply filter to matching conversations |
Categorize as: Choose Category… |
(Previously “Hotmail”, “Live”, “Windows Live” and “MSN”…)
In the new Outlook.com you must click the Wait it’s safe link if you find emails incorrectly identified as spam.
Entering the email contact in the address book or contacts no longer whitelists the sender.
To ensure messages from specific email addresses are not sent to your Junk Email folder, you can do one of two things:
- Check the Junk folder. If you see the Blackheath Eyecare email in your Inbox
- Open the email from Blackheath Eyecare…
- Click the “Wait it’s safe” link
Mark Sender as “Wait it’s safe!
Blackheath Eyecare (hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk)
To: you@outlook.com
Microsoft SmartScreen marked this message as junk and we’ll delete it after ten days.
Wait, it’s safe! | I’m not sure. Let me check
Manually Add to Safe List
- Click gear the icon on the top right.
- Select Options in the drop down list.
- On the Options page under Preventing junk email click Safe and blocked senders
- Click the link Safe senders on the next page.
- Enter the email address hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk in the text box.
- Click Add to list
- Blackheath Eyecare will now be added to your list of Safe senders
- Emails added to your Safe senders will not be delivered by mistake to your Junk folder.
Mozilla Thunderbird
Please open your Thunderbird email client:
If an email from Blackheath Eyecare appears in your Junk Folder:
Please mark that message as Not Junk.
Next, please add Blackheath Eyecare to your Address Book:
- Click the Address Book button.
- Make sure the Personal Address Book is highlighted.
- Click the New Contact button.
- Under the Contact tab, copy and paste the “From” address, hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk into the email text box.
- Click OK.
Subsequent emails should now be received to your inbox.
AOL Webmail
To ensure important emails get delivered to your AOL Inbox- Please complete these two steps…
If you find Blackheath Eyecare in your spam folder:
- Right-click the email.
- Click “Not spam” in the resulting list.
Add hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk to your Address Book:
- Open the email from Blackheath Eyecare
- Click the show details link next to Blackheath Eyecare in the From field.
- Move your mouse over or tap hello@blackheatheyecare.co.uk to show the menu.
- Click or tap Add contact in the menu displayed.
- Add Blackheath Eyecare to the name fields
- Click Add contact
Next: Please Enable Images
Images blocked Show images | Don’t block this sender
- By default AOL now blocks all images.
- Open the email from Blackheath Eyecare.
- Click Don’t block this sender.
- Now you will see our complete emails with no effort on your part…
Email from that Domain will now be delivered straight to your Inbox.
Delivery enquiries…
Most orders for delivery within the UK will be shipped via DX Secure courier service or by Royal Mail recorded postal service and take 1 – 3 business days to arrive.
We are unable to ship online orders to addresses outside of the UK at this time.
If this should change we will update our service information and provide information to enquiries from potential international clients and patients.
Please, contact us should you have any further questions.
Most orders are dispatched via trackable courier or postal service, if sent by any other method we will contact you to look out for your delivery.
- DX secure signed courier service (national shipping).
- Royal Mail delivery service (national and internationl shipping).
- UPS courier service (national and internationl shipping).

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